• Your Heart Health Made Easy

    Your Heart Health Made Easy

    Let me begin by saying that this article is more metaphoric with less scientific verbatim. The goal is to help my audience understand, remember and utilize what I am about to say to improved their heart health. This analogy that I am about to give is not new. In fact, I have given it at

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  • Natural Remedies: Foods for the Heart and Body

    Natural Remedies: Foods for the Heart and Body

    Heart attacks are defines as a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle. It occurs when the heart muscle or part of the heart muscle does not receive enough blood flow. The more time that passes without blood flow to the heart, the greater the damage to the heart. Symptoms can vary between men

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  • Understanding Migraines

    Understanding Migraines

    We’ve all had a headache before, and usually we can move through our day with a few pain pills and some grit. Headaches can be caused by a number of things, including allergies and even stress. But there’s a different type of headache that is debilitating, and can be a sign of a much more

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  • What is Crohn's Disease?

    What is Crohn's Disease?

    It’s estimated that over half a million people in the United States suffer from Crohn’s disease—an often debilitating disease of the digestive tract. The disease causes inflammation and irritation in the small intestine and top of large intestine, but in some cases can spread all the way from the mouth, throat, stomach, intestines and waste

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