• Do You Really Need a Gallbladder?

    Do You Really Need a Gallbladder?

    You’ve heard of the appendix, the organ in our bodies that resides in the lower right abdomen, and seems to serve no real purpose in the body. You’ve heard that even though this organ exists and functions within us, you can live normally without it, and if it bursts—you’re in for emergency surgery to remove

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  • The Many Forms of ADHD

    The Many Forms of ADHD

    Children are naturally boisterous, but at what point does a short attention span and unruly behavior turn into something more serious? Nearly 10% of all American children between the ages of two and 17 have been diagnosed with a behavioral disorder like ADD ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.) While the condition may be popularized

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  • Is The Keto Diet Heart-Healthy?

    Is The Keto Diet Heart-Healthy?

    The ketogenic diet had been gaining popularity over the past few years within the dieting industry. What exactly is a ketogenic diet (or keto), and what are its pros and cons? Keto is a very high fat diet with low protein and carbohydrate. There are several variations of this diet, but its original variation has

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  • Your Heart Health Made Easy

    Your Heart Health Made Easy

    Let me begin by saying that this article is more metaphoric with less scientific verbatim. The goal is to help my audience understand, remember and utilize what I am about to say to improved their heart health. This analogy that I am about to give is not new. In fact, I have given it at

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